Photo number two of my big family weekend.
My sweet boy looks likes he’s relatively happy, having a good time.
Brow furrowed.
Lips pursed. I.e. resting bitch face.
And this sums up how I felt most of the weekend.
This is what I referenced in my earlier post.
This makes me so sad and breaks my heart.
How could I have let myself be so angry during such a happy time for my kids?
How could I allow myself to be pissed off that things weren’t going as I hoped/wanted/expected.
Why was I hashing over in my head repeatedly “this always happens, this never changes, it’s always going to be this way.”
Well guess what? It happened, it didn’t change, and it was as it always is.
After defecting, I’m sure that these things rang true mostly because my expectations remain the same year to year, my personal agenda remains the same year to year.
I’m angry at another, but I’m the one who hasn’t changed either.
What role do I play in creating this negative space?
What role are you taking in your tough spots?
Do you have situations that you get yourself in to and every single time they run out the same.
I love the quote “the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again but expecting different results.”
Here is a glimpse of my “insanity”.