The mind is such a powerful thing. It can literally make or break our day. It can help us or hinder us. It can be our best friend or our worst enemy. What our mindset is depicts how we will live our lives, so it is very, very important to get it right!
But what if you don’t know if you mind is in the negative or in the positive? Here are three signs you might be struggling with negative mindset.
1) You tend to catastrophize everything.
Ever heard of the saying, “don’t make mountains out of molehills?” If you allow small, trivial things to ruin your entire day, then sister, you might have a negative mindset. For example, the hot water runs out in your shower, and your mind goes straight to, “Well that’s because (insert whomever the scapegoat in your house name is) does not care for me and doesn’t want me to even get a simple, warm shower. They must think I am worthless. What am I doing here? Why do I even live with these people? I should move out, I should just pack my things right now and get out of dodge. They won’t miss me for a second.” Then you carry that bad attitude out of your ice-cold shower and start trashing (insert scapegoat’s name here)’s clothes and ripping them out of the closet. You angrily yell under your breath how much no one in this house cares about you or the things you do to hold this family together. Then you go to work angry and start seeing how everyone at work doesn’t care for you either. You isolate yourself from everyone and everything and throw yourself a pity party. Now not only does everyone in your house think you’re mean and horrible, so do all of your coworkers. All over a cold shower..that was actually YOUR fault because you started a load of laundry right before you got in. See what I mean?
2) You look for what could go wrong
What can go wrong, WILL go wrong. Sound familiar? It’s one thing to scan for safety. For example, I better fill my car tank up, or I will run out of gas. Makes sense. This is logical. But when we sit inside the house and stare out at our car and say, I just know I am going to run out of gas because that is what cars do. They run our of gas. They are unreliable. I can only rely on myself....Then that is just plain illogical. When we set ourselves up to look for the negative, we will find it. Every.single.time. Our mind is on a constant journey to satisfy what we preconceive. It is the hard wiring of the brain. Wake up and tell yourself its going to be a bad day? It WILL be. Because you will scan the whole world around you to validate that belief.
3) When things are going well, you are waiting for the ball to drop.
This comes from early self-doubts that are instilled in us as young children or maybe young teens. It comes from a space of undeserving and selfishness. Instead of “My life is going pretty good right now. I have a job, a car that runs.” It goes to “Crap, things have been going TOO well, something bad is about to happen. I'm going to get laid off from work or my car is going to break. I don't deserve to be happy. It is selfish for things to go my way." When we have thoughts such as these, we attract negative energy towards us, which can unfortunately cause the negative thing to actually happen! We all have that friend or two or three, who ALWAYS have bad luck. Woe is me. Bad things always happen to me. Darn straight they do! Because these people are attracting those circumstances.
So, do you possess any of these? I do from time to time, which is why I knew exactly how to write this post.
Stay tuned to hear tips and trick on how to do a complete mindset shift!